Thursday, January 14, 2010

Flying with faith

Today I realized that when I leave I miss their faces from the last moment I see them until the first second I see them again...their sound, their touch, their smell...and I prayed for a flight that would have me looking forward instead of looking behind.  And guess what happened?

Today I flew west, bucking a head wind, bouncing over the Rockies towards a meeting for my work.  This last leg of my flight is relaxed spiritually even as the plan bucks and bounces.  The reason?  I was given a great gift in the hours before by my seatmate.  I'm blessed to do work that I love, and while I look forward to seeing my colleagues and friends I always miss my home and my boys.

Usually I'm sad to go, sad when I leave and the first hour of the flight anywhere is sad with me missing them.

This time I prayed for something different, I got a lighter book, some good snacks and took my seat on a very full flight.

The lady next to me is a Pastor's wife from Thunder Bay and we had the most marvelous visit - two Christian women, to moved far away from family, proud Mom's and loving wives talking.  We talked about children, about faith, about prayers, renovating churches, building new, planting seeds and how it comes down to grace and redemption.

What a blessing!  It was so nice to be with someone who I could relate to on so many levels, to discover bits and pieces of our lives, tied together by common faith and when we parted it was with the affection of sisters in Christ who knew the other would be praying for her, just as she prayed.

It was wonderful to meet you and I'll look forward to the day we meet again...holding you in prayer...

Word art from Scrapgirls, your online source for great digital scrapbooking treasures!

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